7 Elements of a Perfect Blog Post

Holly Hinton
11 July 2024
So, you’ve decided that blogging is a good idea for your business and perhaps you’ve already thought of some topics and done some research – now what? How do you combine everything into a cohesive blog post that people will actually want to read?
In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 7 parts of a perfectly structured blog post to help you get started…
1. Write a catchy Headline
The headline or title of your blog post needs to be catchy to inspire people to want to read it. By all means, start with a basic working title while you are writing your post, but then you will want to do a few things to ensure it is found online AND that it really stands out:
Include keywords that people are searching for – this is how Google will find and display your blog post
Ask a Question, e.g. “Does my business really need a website?” – phrase it like this and it invites people to read it for answers as well as appear when people type this question into a search engine
Give them a List, e.g. “3 reasons why writing a blog will help your business”
Ensure your title is no longer than 60 characters as most search engine results only show this many characters
2. Set a Featured Image
Quite often you may see the featured image actually within the top of the blog post itself (like this one) but its other purpose is to provide a picture that shows up when shared on search engines, social media and within your blog archive or list (much like each of the blogs on the Web Goddess website).
Here’s what to keep in mind when selecting a featured image:
it needs to be relevant to your post and business – remember your branding!
you need to have the right to use it – no copying from Google, use reputable free image sites like Unsplash or Canva or take your own where possible
It is also important to ensure that your image has the correct Alt Text (the metadata behind the image) that includes your keywords for the post to help with your SEO.
3. Write a short Introduction
Adding a compelling introduction that outlines what you are going to cover in the post is the perfect way to give readers a flavour of what’s to come and let them know what to expect. It is also the place to add in some more of those keywords and phrases so that Google knows what the article is about too…
For example:
Do you struggle to think of topics to blog about? Are you sick of looking at a blank screen with your cursor flashing while you search your brain for inspiration? Well, here are 50 blog post ideas to get you started!
4. Structure your Body Text
Think of your blog post as you would an essay back in school – it really needs some STRUCTURE.
You’ve written a short snappy introduction to let people know what to expect, now make sure that you divide the body of your post into short areas of text too as no-one has time to read massive areas of text that have little structure to them.
You can:
separate and structure ideas with subheadings – most websites have up to 6 levels of headings available!
use numbered lists and bullet points
include outbound links (either to other blog posts or other websites) whenever you refer to them
include quotes from experts in the field you are writing about:
“If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis.”– Neil Patel
5. Use Multimedia
Breaking up your text with relevant images, videos, gifs, charts, social posts or infographics is a great way to keep your blog posts interesting and readers engaged with your content.
Remember that you can create your own images simply in Canva and then upload them to your blog. Just make sure that whatever you include brings value to your post and matches your branding where possible. You never know who may pin your post across to Pinterest or share it elsewhere!
6. Write a Conclusion
Every blog post, like every piece of writing, needs a conclusion. A summary of what you have discussed and your thoughts on it. Remember that your blog post is not just about regurgitating information you find elsewhere, it’s about informing your audience and sharing your opinion and advice on it. Use your conclusion for this.
7. Call to Action
Last but not least, for all blog posts you need a Call to Action. What do you want the reader to do once they have finished reading your post.
Do they need to buy something from you? Perhaps you have reviewed a product and you can link to your shop
Can they book a call with you? Don’t give all of your information in your blog post if you want them to work with you
Can they join a course or a membership? If so, have a link to it highlighted at the bottom of your blog post
The whole point of a blog is to inform AND convert readers into customers – so think about how each and every blog post can be used as a sales funnel to something that you offer in your business.
And there you have it – the 7 parts to writing a compelling blog post that your readers will find easy to digest and hopefully click that call to action button on your website to work with you further.
Holly Hinton
Holly Hinton has been building websites for over 20 years – since way back in the days of Dreamweaver and FrontPage – and started Web Goddess in 2014 to combat all the bad advice small business owners received about web design and SEO. She loves sharing her knowledge and empowering those same business owners to take control of their online presence. Holly is a mum to teenage boys who love destroying the offence on an American Football field and loves crochet when she gets a chance.